Dr. Seyed Ali Malek Hosseini was born in 1949 in the village of Cheshme Chenar in Boyer Ahmed- Yasuj.
His father and ancestors were great scholars of the region. He spent his adolescence and youth in Yasouj and Shiraz, and after completing his secondary education, he was admitted to nomads Academy, and then returned to Yasouj and worked as a teacher in Mazdak village for two years.
He then participated in the entrance exam and entered the veterinary department of Tehran University. He, who had lost his mother due to liver disease, participated in the entrance exam again in the same year and was accepted into the medical department of Tehran University in 1974.
Immediately after completing his seven-year general medicine course, Dr. Seyed Ali Malek Hosseini entered the general surgery specialty of Shiraz University with a distinguished rank and gained knowledge and grace in the presence of professors such as Dr. Iraj Fazel.
He completed the sub-specialty course of kidney transplant and vascular surgery in Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran in 1987. In 1990 he went to the United States of America to undergo a liver transplant sub-specialty course, and in May 1992 he performed the first liver transplant in Iran and the Middle East and earned the title of the father of liver transplantation in Iran. He performed the first live-to-live liver transplant in Iran.
He completed the complementary course of liver transplantation in many countries including England. In the second course of lasting faces, he was recognized as a lasting face in the field of vital organ transplantation and vascular surgery.
Some of Dr. Seyed Ali Malek Hosseini responsibilities so far include:
Head of Shahid Faqihi Hospital, Shiraz
Head of Transplant Department of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
Member of the specialized committee of surgery in the 9th Razi Medical Festival
President of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences
Member of the Board of Trustees of Yasouj University of Medical Sciences
Member of MESOT Middle East Association
Member of European Transplant Society ESOT
Member of TTS World Liver Transplant Society
Editor-in-Chief of the Journal (Iranian Journal of Transplantation Medicine)
He has also been in charge of many charitable activities and services in the field of medicine and treatment.
Dr. Seyed Ali Malek Hosseini’s Current Position
- Professor of Surgery
- Director, Shiraz Organ Transplant Center, Avicenna Hospital, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
- President, Iranian Society for Organ Transplantation
Dr. Seyed Ali Malek Hosseini’s Education
1974–81: Internship, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
1982–86: General Surgery Resident, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
1987-88: Fellowship in kidney transplantation, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
1990–92: Research fellow in liver transplantation, Pittsburgh, USA
2001: Research fellowship for six months, King’s College, London
Dr. Seyed Ali Malek Hosseini’s Positions
1987–89: Director, Faghihi Hospital, Shiraz, Iran
1989 to date: Chief, Transplantation Section, Department of Surgery, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
1991 to date: Examiner, Iranian Board of General Surgery
1992–1994: Vice Chancellor, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
1994: Chancellor, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
2001 to date: Member, Editorial Board, Archive of Surgery
2005 to date: Permanent Member, Iranian Academy of Medical Sciences
2005 to date: Member, the specializing committee in clinical-surgical branch of Razi Medical Festival
2010 to date: Founder and Editor, International Journal of Organ Transplantation Medicine
2010: President Elect, Middle East Society for Organ Transplantation (MESOT)
2012: President, Middle East Society for Organ Transplantation (MESOT)
2014 to date: Member, High Council Committee for Organ Transplantation
2015 to date: President, Iranian Society for Organ Transplantation
1982–1986: General Surgery Resident, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
1987–1997: Assistant Professor of General Surgery, Department of Surgery, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
1987–1988: Fellowship in Vascular Surgery and Renal Transplantation, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
1989–1992: Visiting Surgical Fellow in liver transplantation, Pittsburgh, USA
1997: Associate Professor of Surgery, Department of Surgery, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
2001: Research fellow for 6 months, King’s College, London
2001: Professor of Surgery, Department of Surgery, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran.
Surgical Activities
1987: Establishment of Organ Transplant Section, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
1992: The first kidney transplantation from a deceased donor
1993: The first liver transplantation in Iran
1998: The first partial liver transplantation in Iran
2002: The first liver transplantation from the right lobe (adult to adult)
More than 100 Awards and letters of commendation in Iran
2002: Memorable figure in medicine in Iran
2005: “Nevzat Bilgin Award” for the best poster presentation in the 8th Meeting of the Turkish Transplantation Society, Ankara, Turkey
2011: The President’s Merit Badge (first class medal in science)
2012: MESOT Awards for establishment of the best deceased-donor transplant center
2012: Fars Province memorable face
2013: Professor Yalda Scientific Medal
2013: Professor Haberal Scientific Medal for advancing organ donation in Turkey
2018: For the second time, MESOT Awards for establishment of the best deceased donor transplant center
1981: MD, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
1986: Iranian Board of General Surgery
1988: Fellowship in Kidney Transplantation, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
1992: Research fellow in liver transplantation, Pittsburgh, USA
- Establishing the largest transplant center in the world with no previous example, despite numerous obstacles, in a country where unrelated living donation and organ trade had been prevailed. Relying only on deceased donors, we transplant more than 500 liver transplants annually in the center. We crossed the world record and transplanted 638 liver transplants in the Center in 2017.
- Establishing a twin charity hospital: the 700-bed Avicenna Transplant Center including a large polyclinic and an 80-bed hemodialysis center, and a nearby 1000-bed hospital to care for patients diagnosed with cancer.
- Pioneer of deceased donor organ donation in Iran
- Founder of deceased donor organ donation in Iran
- Establishment of the most active deceased donor program in the Middle East and Asia
- Founder of Transplant Coordinator Network across Iran
- The most active person fighting against living unrelated renal transplantation and organ selling in Iran
- More than three decades activities to establish deceased donor program in Iran
- Training of more than 50 transplant fellows for Iran and Middle East Society for Organ Transplantation (MESOT) states
- Founder of charity societies for kidney and liver disease in Fars province, southern Iran
- Founder of a charity for cancer in South of Iran
- Ahmad E, Malek Hosseini SA, Nezakatgoo N, et al. A report of 26 cases of renaltransplantation in children. Transplant Proc 1995;27:2570.
- Ahmad E, Malek Hosseini SA, Salahi H, et al. Experience with 300 renaltransplants in Shiraz, Iran. Transplant Proc 1995;27:2767.
- Malek Hosseini SA, Javid R, Salahi H, et al. A case report of Kala-Azar in a kidneytransplant patient. Transplant Proc 1995;27:2715.
- Malek Hosseini SA, Lahsaee M, Zare S, et al. Report of the first liver transplants inIran. Transplant Proc 1995;27:2618.
- Malek Hosseini SA, Salahi H, Nezakatgoo N, et al. First report of nine consecutivemultiorgan cadaver donor transplants in Iran. Transplant Proc 1995;27:2770.
- Salahi H, Malek Hosseini SA, Ahmad E, et al. Mannitol infusion and decreasedincidence of allograf
- Malek-Hosseini SA, Ghahramani N, Behzadi S, et al. Incidence of posttransplanthypertension among renal allograft recipients. Transplant Proc 1998;30:775-6.
- Salahi H, Ghahramani N, Malek-Hosseini SA, et al. Religious sanctions regardingcadaveric organ transplantation in Iran. Transplant Proc 1998;30:769-70.
- Ahmad E, Ghahramani N, Malek-Hosseini SA, et al. Transplant outcome as relatedto prolonged chronic dialysis versus short-term pretransplantation dialysis.Transplant Proc 1999; 31:3135.
- Ahmad E, Malek-Hosseini SA, Salahi H, et al. Posttransplant urinarycomplications; a thing of the past after insertion of inexpensive ureteral stent.Transplant Proc 1999;31:3210.
- Ghahramani N, Behzadi A, Gholami S, et al. Postrenal transplant improvement ofsexual function. Transplant Proc 1999; 31:3144.
- Ghahramani N, Behzadi S, Malek-Hosseini SA, et al. Occurrence of hypertension and proteinuria among kidney donors in Shiraz Nemazee Hospital. Transplant Proc1999; 31:3139.
- Javid R, Ghahramani N, Malek-Hosseini SA, et al. Management of posttransplanterythrocytosis with enalapril. Transplant Proc 1999;31:3226.
- Nezakatgoo N, Malek-Hosseini SA, Salahi H, et al. Lessons learned from the firstsuccessful living-related liver transplantation. Transplant Proc 1999;31:3171.
- Salahi H, Malek-Hosseini SA, Ghahramani N, et al. Occurrence of renal graftfailure among 386 patients transplanted in Shiraz Nemazee Hospital 1989-1996.Transplant Proc 1999;31:3110-1.
- Ahmad E, Salahi H, Ghahramani N, et al. Simultaneous previously failed graftnephrectomy and the use of same vessels for vascular anastomosis in second renaltransplantation. Transplant Proc 2001;33:2669.
- Ghahramani N, Salahi H, Malek-Hosseini SA, et al. Transplant outcome in patientswith non-O blood groups who received kidneys from O blood group donors.Transplant Proc 2001;33:2841.
- Salahi H, Ghahramani N, Malek-Hosseini SA, et al. Effect of donor nephrectomyon renal function and blood pressure. Transplant Proc 2001;33:2654.
- Salahi H, Malek-Hosseini SA, Ghahramani N, et al. The efficacy of ureteral stentsin prevention of urological complications in renal transplantation. Transplant Proc2001;33:2668.
- Malek-hosseini SA, Lahsaee M, Salahi H, et al. Living related liver transplantationin children: the Iranian experience. Transplant Proc 2003;35:377-8.
- Malek-hosseini SA, Salahi H, Lahsaee M, et al. Initial experience with livertransplantation in Iran. Transplant Proc 2003;35:375-6.
- Mosallaci M, Ghahramani N, Malek-hosseini SA, Tavakoli AR. Renaltransplantation in diabetic nephropathy. Transplant Proc 2003;35:149-51.
- Farshad S, Alborzi A, Malek Hosseini SA, et al. Identification of Helicobacter pyloriDNA in Iranian patients with gallstones. Epidemiol Infect 2004;132:1185-9.
- Behzad-Behbahani A, Mojiri A, Tabei SZ, et al. Outcome of hepatitis B and C virusinfection on graft function after renal transplantation. Transplant Proc 2005;37:3045-7.
- Malek-Hosseini SA, Mehdizadeh AR, Salahi H, et al. Results of livertransplantation: analysis of 140 cases at a single center. Transplant Proc2005;37:3157-8.
- Raiss-Jalali GA, Mehdizadeh AR, Razmkon A, et al. Effect of body mass index attime of transplantation and weight gain after transplantation on allograft functionin kidney transplant recipients in Shiraz. Transplant Proc 2005;37:2998-3000.
- Roozbeh J, Mehdizadeh AR, Razmkon A, Malek-Hosseini SA. Incidence ofposttransplantation diabetes mellitus in kidney transplantation: a single-centerexperience. Transplant Proc 2005;37:3095-7.
- Salahi H, Razmkon A, Mehdizadeh AR, et al. Biliary tract complications after livertransplantation in a single center. Transplant Proc 2005;37:3177-8.
- Geramizadeh B, Roozbeh J, Malek-Hosseini SA, et al. Urine cytology as a usefulscreening method for polyoma virus nephropathy in renal transplant patients: asingle-center experience. Transplant Proc 2006;38:2923-5.
- Malek-Hosseini SA, Salahi H, Bahador A, et al. Pediatric liver transplantation inthe Shiraz Transplant Center. Transplant Proc 2006;38:594-5.
- Ostovan MA, Fazelzadeh A, Mehdizadeh AR, et al. How to decreasecardiovascular mortality in renal transplant recipients. Transplant Proc2006;38:2887-92.
- Roozbeh J, Mehdizadeh AR, Izadfar MA, et al. Comparison of spousal with otherdonor groups: Study of a single center. Transplant Proc 2006;38:562-3.
- Salahi H, Fazelzadeh A, Mehdizadeh A, et al. Complications of arteriovenousfistula in dialysis patients. Transplant Proc 2006;38:1261-4.
- Salahi H, Salehipour M, Bahador A, et al. Transplantation of a lump or cakekidney: a case report. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl 2006;17:577-8.
- Bahador A, Yazdani M, Gholami S, et al. Foundation of local network forincreasing organ donation in southern Iran. Transplant Proc 2007;39:801-2.
- Davari HR, Malek-Hosseini SA, Salahi H, et al. Management of infrarenalduplicated inferior vena cava during living related kidney transplantation. TransplInt 2007;20:478-9.
- Dehghani SM, Bahador A, Gholami S, et al. Pediatric liver transplantation in Iran:evaluation of the first 50 cases. Pediatr Transplant 2007;11:256-60.
- Dehghani SM, Gholami S, Bahador A, et al. Comparison of Child-Turcotte-Pughand pediatric end-stage liver disease scoring systems to predict morbidity andmortality of children awaiting liver transplantation. Transplant Proc 2007;39:3175-7.
- Dehghani SM, Gholami S, Bahador A, et al. Morbidity and mortality of childrenwith chronic liver diseases who were listed for liver transplantation in Iran. PediatrTransplant 2007;11:21-3.
- Dehghani SM, Taghavi SA, Eshraghian A, et al. Hyperlipidemia in Iranian livertransplant recipients: prevalence and risk factors. J Gastroenterol 2007;42:769-74.
- Dinckan A, Tekin A, Turkyilmaz S, et al. Horseshoe kidney for transplant: report of3 cases. Exp Clin Transplant 2007;5:716-9.
- Khosravi MB, Jalaeian H, Lahsaee M, et al. The effect of clamping of inferior venacava and portal vein on urine output during liver transplantation. Transplant Proc2007;39:1197-8.
- Kumar PV, Monabati A, Raseki AR, et al. Splenic lesions: FNA findings in 48 cases.Cytopathology 2007;18:151-6.
- Nikeghbalian S, Kazemi K, Davari HR, et al. Early hepatic artery thrombosis afterliver transplantation: diagnosis and treatment. Transplant Proc 2007;39:1195-6.
- Nikeghbalian S, Kazemi K, Salahi H, et al. Transplantation of a cadaveric liverallograft with right lobe cavernous hemangioma, without back-table resection: acase report. Transplant Proc 2007;39:1691-2.
- Nikeghbalian S, Nejatollahi SM, Salahi H, et al. Does donor’s fatty liver changeimpact on early mortality and outcome of liver transplantation. Transplant Proc2007;39:1181-3.
- Rais-Jalali GA, Sagheb MM, Daniali F, et al. Acute renal failure in the first 100orthotopic liver transplant patients in Southern Iran. Exp Clin Transplant2007;5:710-2.
- Salahi H, Jalaeian H, Nikeghbalian S, et al. The comparison of clinical andbiochemical parameters among 1200 alive and dead renal transplant recipients.Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl 2007;18:439-42.
- Salahi H, Nikeghbalian S, Shamsaee AR, et al. Comparison of early outcome andhistologic findings of enteric drainage with bladder drainage in pancreastransplantation of dogs. Transplant Proc 2007;39:1255-6.
- Salehipour M, Bahador A, Salahi H, et al. Transplantation of a horseshoe kidney.Arch Iran Med 2007;10:239-41.
- Salehipour M, Jalaeian H, Salahi H, et al. Are large nonfunctional kidneys riskfactors for posttransplantation urinary tract infection in patients with end-stagerenal disease due to autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease? TransplantProc 2007;39:887-8.
- Dehghani SM, Derakhshan A, Taghavi SA, et al. Prevalence and risk factors ofrenal dysfunction after liver transplant: a single-center experience. Exp ClinTransplant 2008;6:25-9.
- Dehghani SM, Nikeghbalian S, Kazemi K, et al. Outcome of bowel perforation afterpediatric liver transplantation. Pediatr Transplant 2008;12:146-9.
- Dehghani SM, Taghavi SA, Imanieh MH, et al. Diabetes mellitus after livertransplantation in Iranian patients. Indian J Gastroenterol 2008;27:83-4.
- Geramizadeh B, Malek-Hosseini SA, Salahi H, et al. Liver failure and the need fortransplantation in three patients with hepatoportal sclerosis. Transplant Proc2008;40:3526-8.
- Kazemi K, Geramizadeh B, Nikeghbalian S, et al. Effect of D-penicillamine on liverfibrosis and inflammation in Wilson disease. Exp Clin Transplant 2008;6:261-3.
- Mokarram P, Naghibalhossaini F, Saberi Firoozi M, et al.Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase C677T genotype affects promotermethylation of tumor-specific genes in sporadic colorectal cancer through aninteraction with folate/vitamin B12 status. World J Gastroenterol 2008;14:3662-71.
- Nikeghbalian S, Malek-Hosseini SA, Salahi H, et al. Pancreas transplantation inshiraz organ transplant center; the first Iranian experience. Arch Iran Med2008;11:490-6.
- Rasekhi AR, Nabavizadeh SA, Malek-Hosseini SA, et al. Percutaneous transhepaticvenous angioplasty and stenting in a 9-month-old patient with hepatic veinobstruction after partial liver transplantation. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol2008;31:1034-7.
- Roozbeh J, Jalaeian H, Banihashemi MA, et al. The socioeconomic status of 100renal transplant recipients in Shiraz. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl 2008;19:286-90.
- Roozbeh J, Razmkon AR, Jalaeian H, et al. Outcome of kidney transplantation inpatients with polycystic kidney disease: a single center study. Saudi J Kidney DisTranspl 2008;19:72-5.
- Salehipour M, Bahador A, Jalaeian H, et al. Comparison of right and left grafts inrenal transplantation. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl 2008;19:222-6.
- Soroush AR, Ghahri-Saremi S, Rambod M, et al. Pattern of injury in Shiraz. Chin JTraumatol 2008;11:8-12.
- Amirghofran AA, Emaminia A, Rayatpisheh S, et al. Intracardiac invasivethymoma presenting as superior vena cava syndrome. Ann Thorac Surg2009;87:1616-8.
- Bahador A, Salahi H, Nikeghbalian S, et al. Pediatric liver transplantation in Iran: a9-year experience. Transplant Proc 2009;41:2864-7.
- Bahador A, Salahi H, Nikeghbalian S, et al. Split liver transplantation in ShirazTransplant Center. Transplant Proc 2009;41:2872-4.
- Dehghani SM, Eshraghian A, Bahador A, et al. De novo inflammatory boweldisease after pediatric orthotopic liver transplant: a case report. Exp Clin Transplant2009;7:145-8.
- Dehghani SM, Nikeghbalian S, Eshraghian A, et al. New-onset diabetes mellituspresenting with diabetic ketoacidosis after pediatric liver transplantation. PediatrTransplant 2009;13:536-9.
- Dehghani SM, Shakiba MA, Ziaeyan M, et al. Vaccination status in pediatric liver transplant candidates. Pediatr Transplant 2009;13:820-2.
- Geramizadeh B, Azarpira N, Ayatollahi M, et al. Value of serum cystatin C as amarker of renal function in the early post kidney transplant period. Saudi J KidneyDis Transpl 2009;20:1015-7.
- Hashemi SB, Shishegar M, Nikeghbalian S, et al. Endogenous Aspergillusendophthalmitis occurring after liver transplantation: a case report. Transplant Proc2009;41:2933-5.
- Imanieh MH, Erjaee A, Dehghani SM, et al. Early postoperative complications ofpediatric liver transplantation. Indian Pediatr 2009;46:1088-90.
- Kakaei F, Nikeghbalian S, Kazemi K, et al. Liver transplantation for homozygousfamilial hypercholesterolemia: two case reports. Transplant Proc 2009;41:2939-41.
- Nikeghbalian S, Bahador A, Salahi H, et al. Non-marginal donor C-loop ulcers as acause of gastrointestinal bleeding after pancreas transplantation: three casereports. Transplant Proc 2009;41:2930-2.
- Nikeghbalian S, Dehghani M, Salahi H, et al. Effects of surgical technique onpostoperative renal function after orthotopic liver transplant. Exp Clin Transplant2009;7:25-7.
- Nikeghbalian S, Kazemi K, Salehipour M, et al. Transperitoneal laparoscopic livingdonor nephrectomy: 2 years’ experience. Transplant Proc 2009;41:2729-30.
- Nikeghbalian S, Nejatollahi SM, Salahi H, et al. Experience of living donor livertransplantation in Iran: a single-center report. Transplant Proc 2009;41:2868-71.
- Nikeghbalian S, Salahi R, Salahi H, et al. Hepatic abscesses after liver transplant:1997-2008. Exp Clin Transplant 2009;7:256-60.
- Omidvari S, Malek-Hosseini SA, Attaran Y, et al. Photoclinic. Primaryadenocarcinoma of the appendix presenting as a buttock mass. Arch Iran Med2009;12:82, 5-6.
- Salehipour M, Salahi H, Jalaeian H, et al. Vascular complications following 1500consecutive living and cadaveric donor renal transplantations: a single centerstudy. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl 2009;20:570-2.
- Dehghani SM, Haghighat M, Imanieh MH, et al. Tacrolimus related hypertrophiccardiomyopathy in liver transplant recipients. Arch Iran Med 2010;13:116-9.
- Dehghani SM, Honar N, Inaloo S, et al. Neuromuscular complication after livertransplant in children: a single-center experience. Exp Clin Transplant 2010;8:9-13.
- Geramizadeh B, Bahador A, Foroutan HR, et al. Pathology of pediatric livertumors, a single center experience from south of Iran. Indian J Pathol Microbiol2010;53:422-6.
- Geramizadeh B, Keramati P, Bahador A, et al. Congenital hepatic fibrosis and needfor liver transplantation. Int J Organ Transplant Med 2010;1:98-100.
- Geramizadeh B, Malek-Hosseini SA, Bahador A, et al. Post-transplantationlymphoproliferative disorder after liver transplantation: report of 5 cases amongmore than 550 liver transplants in Iran. Arch Iran Med 2010;13:417-9.
- Hashiani AA, Rajaeefard A, Hasanzadeh J, et al. Ten-year graft survival ofdeceased-donor kidney transplantation: a single-center experience. Ren Fail2010;32:440-7.
- Kakaei F, Nikeghbalian S, Salahi H, et al. Liver transplantation in the presence ofold portal vein thrombosis. Int J Organ Transplant Med 2010;1:44-8.
- Khosravi MB, Sattari H, Ghaffaripour S, et al. Post-reperfusion Syndrome andOutcome Variables after Orthotopic Liver Transplantation. Int J Organ TransplantMed 2010;1:115-20.
- Malek-Hosseini SA, Baezzat SR, Shamsaie A, et al. Huge immature teratoma of theliver in an adult: a case report and review of the literature. Clin J Gastroenterol2010;3:332-6.
- Nikeghalian S, Davari HR, Kakaei F, et al. The first modified multivisceraltransplantation in the middle East: a major advance in transplantation surgery inshiraz transplant center. Int J Organ Transplant Med 2010;1:189-92.
- Nikeghbalian S, Hosseini SM, Bananzadeh AM, et al. Using inverted autogenousveins to substitute arteries in a canine model. J Emerg Trauma Shock 2010;3:238-42.
- Roozbeh J, Sattarinezhad A, Afshariani R, et al. The effect of simvastatin onlowering panel reactive antibody titer in sensitized dialysis patients: a randomizedplacebo controlled clinical trial. Int J Organ Transplant Med 2010;1:85-90.
- Salehipour M, Monabbati A, Salahi H, et al. Protective effect of parenteral vitaminE on ischemia-reperfusion injury of rabbit kidney. Urology 2010;75:858-61.
- Salehipour M, Roozbeh J, Rasekhi AR, et al. Emphysematous pyelonephritis in atransplant kidney. Int J Organ Transplant Med 2010;1:49-51.
- Salehipour M, Salahi H, Fathikalajahi A, et al. Is perioperative intravesicallyapplied antibiotic solution effective in the prophylaxis of urinary tract infectionsafter renal transplantation? Urol Int 2010;85:66-9.
- Almasi-Hashiani A, Rajaeefard AR, Hassanzade J, et al. Graft survival rate of renaltransplantation: a single center experience, (1999-2009). Iran Red Crescent Med J2011;13:392-7.
- Azarpira N, Geramizadeh B, Nikeghbalian S, et al. Endothelial Nitric OxideSynthase Gene T-786C Polymorphism in Renal Transplant Recipients. Int J OrganTransplant Med 2011;2:87-92.
- Davari HR, Malek-Hosseini SA, Salahi H, et al. Liver transplantation and aorticvalve replacement. Int J Organ Transplant Med 2011;2:32-6.
- Dehghani SM, Aleyasin S, Honar N, et al. Pulmonary evaluation in pediatric livertransplant candidates. Indian J Pediatr 2011;78:171-5.
- Dehghani SM, Gholami S, Bahador A, et al. Causes of organ donation refusal insouthern Iran. Transplant Proc 2011;43:410-1.
- Derakhshan N, Derakhshan D, Derakhshan A, et al. Hyperlipidemia in childrenwith normal allograft function. Saudi J Kidney Dis Transpl 2011;22:339-40.
- Ebadi M, Yaghobi R, Geramizadeh B, et al. Prevalence of HCV and HGV infectionsin Iranian liver transplant recipients. Transplant Proc 2011;43:618-20.
- Fallahzadeh MK, Fallahzadeh MH, Derakhshan A, et al. Urinary tract infectionafter kidney transplantation in children and adolescents. Iran J Kidney Dis2011;5:416-9.
- Geramizadeh B, Attaran Y, Malek-Hosseini SA, et al. Photoclinic. Alveolar hydatidcyst of the liver. Arch Iran Med 2011;14:211-2.
- Geramizadeh B, Nikeghbalian S, Shamsaifar A, et al. Primary glomus tumor of theliver: a rare case report and review of the literature. Indian J Pathol Microbiol2011;54:584-7.
- Geramizadeh B, Safari A, Bahador A, et al. Hepatic angiosarcoma of childhood: acase report and review of literature. J Pediatr Surg 2011;46:e9-11.
- Honar N, Imanieh MH, Dehghani SM, et al. Evaluation of cytomegalovirusinfection after six months of liver transplantation in children in shiraz, southerniran. Int J Organ Transplant Med 2011;2:20-4.
- Honar N, Imanieh MH, Haghighat M, et al. Evaluation of Candida infection aftersix months of transplantation in pediatric liver recipients in iran. Int J OrganTransplant Med 2011;2:105-7.
- Malek-Hosseini SA, Vessal K. Euthanasia. Arch Iran Med 2011;14:224; author reply
- Moini M, Hoseini-Asl MK, Taghavi SA, et al. Hyponatremia a valuable predictor ofearly mortality in patients with cirrhosis listed for liver transplantation. ClinTransplant 2011;25:638-45.
- Nemayandeh M, Yaghobi R, Geramizadeh B, et al. Hematologic and biochemicalindices and viral hepatitis in liver transplant patients. Transplant Proc 2011;43:612-4.
- Nikeghbalian S, Pournasr B, Aghdami N, et al. Autologous transplantation of bonemarrow-derived mononuclear and CD133(+) cells in patients with decompensatedcirrhosis. Arch Iran Med 2011;14:12-7.
- Sagheb MM, Sharifian M, Ahmadi S, et al. Comparison of immediate renaldysfunction in split and partial liver transplantation versus full size livertransplantation in Shiraz transplant centre. Ann Transplant 2011;16:36-42.
- Salehipour M, Roozbeh J, Eshraghian A, et al. Postrenal transplant urinary leakagecaused by segmental infarction of a renal allograft treated by partial nephrectomy.Exp Clin Transplant 2011;9:153-5.
- Sarvari J, Mojtahedi Z, Kuramitsu Y, et al. Differential expression of haptoglobinisoforms in chronic active hepatitis, cirrhosis and HCC related to HBV infection.Oncol Lett 2011;2:871-7.
- Yaghobi R, Geramizadeh B, Zamani S, et al. The molecular and antigenic tissueimpact of viral infections on liver transplant patients with neonatal hepatitis. Int JOrgan Transplant Med 2011;2:108-15.
- Zahmatkeshan M, Geramizadeh B, Eshraghian A, et al. De novo fatty liver due tovascular complications after liver transplantation. Transplant Proc 2011;43:615-7.
- Zali N, Mohebbi SR, Esteghamat S, et al. Prevalence of ATP7B Gene Mutations inIranian Patients With Wilson Disease. Hepat Mon 2011;11:890-4.
- Dehghani M, Poorseidi B, Sattari H, et al. Two-year experience of orthotopic livertransplantation in afzalipoor hospital, kerman, southeastern iran. Int J OrganTransplant Med 2012;3:120-3.
- Dehghani SM, Imanieh MH, Honar N, et al. Evaluation of quality of life in childrensix months after liver transplantation. Middle East J Dig Dis 2012;4:158-62.
- Dehghani SM, Karamifar H, Hamzavi SS, et al. Serum insulinlike growth factor-1and its binding protein-3 levels in children with cirrhosis waiting for a livertransplant. Exp Clin Transplant 2012;10:252-7.
- Geramizadeh B, Foroughi R, Keshtkar-Jahromi M, et al. Gastrointestinalbasidiobolomycosis, an emerging infection in the immunocompetent host: a reportof 14 patients. J Med Microbiol 2012;61:1770-4.
- Mahmoudi H, Jafari P, Alizadeh-Naini M, et al. Validity and reliability of Persianversion of Chronic Liver Disease Questionnaire (CLDQ). Qual Life Res2012;21:1479-85.
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